
Showing posts from March, 2021


 SET OF BEST OUTCOMES FOR EACH FILM This is my selection of final outcomes that I feel are the most successful and the ones that I love the most. I have selected a variety of foreign language poster variants too as the aesthetic produced is particularly exciting. I had a lot of fun using my language skills learnt in school to translate the original  titles of the films. I have also paid particularly close attention to the choice of typography and spacing between licensing, image and title - kerning. The tutorials with my tutor proved to be extremely valuable and the lessons learnt in them about poster design, kerning and composition have greatly helped me produce these posters.  In an ideal world I would have looked forward to printing each of these posters off using the high quality large format printers at Uni and hand in a set of high quality A2 and A1 prints on matt german etch paper (Hahnemule)  ALIEN CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND   ANNIHILATION  SKY PHENOMENA MANCHESTER MUSE


1 I intend to practically explore film poster art. I will be using many hand rendered techniques of mark making and print making that I have gained expertise and confidence with since my time on the foundation course. I will be using monoprint techniques, ( such as wipe-away monoprints, and monotype), block printing such as Lino and woodblock, hard and soft ground etching and screen printing. I am an avid printmaker and draughtsman and this self driven, and this unit of authorship is vital for both the development of my practice and for my mental health- being in the print room at University gives me a real feeling of joy, and happiness. This Unit is for me and it will be a combination of the two best and most enjoyable projects so far on the course: The print project and the film poster project. I have hand picked a selection of sci-fi films that I identify with on a personal and emotional level. I will be creating a plethora of printmaking, drawing and poster work that will push me t


BRIEF 1 - INDIVIDUAL PROJECT: FILM POSTER PROJECT REQUIRMENTS:    For this film poster brief, I am interested in my personal experiences watching the films and want to challenge myself to illustrate and convey these feelings through print and drawing. - To develop posters for hand picked films of my choice - films with lots of visual information-  Films that I identify with on a personal level- have a close connection with; films I grew up on watching. Create my own print and poster project from 1st and 2nd year. - Films to respond to with poster work, printmaking, drawings that push me and provoke experimental printmaking and drawing.   Planner / Scheme of work   stage one  EXPERIMENTATION AND RESEARCH     - Collect screenshots and key visual inspiration from selected films for information to draw from.  - Visual notes - be very pro active with note taking for tutorials - write down all that Mack teaches in the tutorials. Read up, research it is all very useful for work and for future

BLOG POST 3: Recent work that I wish to pursue

 Here is a compilation of recent work that I found success in. I enjoyed the process of lino printing- planning the design rigorously then transferring by hand onto the block and cutting away the design. I took great care in emphasising direction of light and gave a lot of time and thought to representing the cast shadows and giving the figures grounding. The 'Combat' print is the first lino print I have done since year 8. I can really see the potential of this process and incorporating it into my poster designs like that of Klimowski and Ziegler. I took inspiration from Klimowski's 'Nocturnes' series for my 20:20 print submission (  I also relished the detail of the figures and the expressive, dynamic mark making I was able to create with the lino block on both the 20:20 print and the 'Samurai x Serpents' print. I will continue to explore the possibilities of lino printing for these poste


 ALIEN (1979) Dir. Ridley Scott To this day, ALIEN still strikes fear in me like no other film. It is a film that re-defined the horror genre (sci-fi horror). The combination of H.R. Giger’s masterful yet sinister designs with Ridley Scott’s creativity and direction lead to the creation of a film that is so special and intrinsically rooted in my upbringing as a young man watching films with his father. I knew that it was a film that had a myriad of rich visual information to draw from and produce prints from. (Below) A selection of the best moments that capture the emotions of fear and angst from the film. This film has such a rich collection of stunning close up portraiture shots. ROUGH PLANS -  planned compositions for my first film: ALIEN. I am heavily focusing on shadows and highlights for these plans which will help capture the overall dark, unsettling, ambiguous feel of the film, nemesis and landscape/setting. These plans certainly capture the chaotic, horrendous nature of the fi


THE FOLLOWING ARE ZOOM TUTORIAL NOTES TYPED UP FROM PENCIL NOTES, THEY ARE IN NOTE FORM AS THEY WERE WRITTEN/JOTTED DOWN MID-LECTURE, THEY WORK FOR ME AND I HAVE INCLUDED THEM TO SHOW ENGAGEMENT AND THEY HAVE BEEN VERY USEFUL TO REFER BACK TO THROUGHOUT THIS PROJECT NOTES: MACK 1-1 PDP zoom session Book: High and low rare book, Barry Miles counter culture, hippie zines Notting Hill. Pre photo copier xerox printing method.  Book: Hybrid forms- leeds sculpture and drawings. Organising type and space. Amazon, ebay, world of books and library ( Email Sarah Shenton) metamorphosis subtle, metaphorical references. Gary Panter illustration for NY Times of Snake Plissken- simplify, just one character: your own thing + composition - close ups, watching films, detailed zooms shots. 1 key black drawing layer and base colour layer with minimal palette.  Celebrate the human emotions.  ambience DVDs Exorcist; ambience, autumn leaves, wind, tubular bells. Pacing, production of cinematography. William